Saturday, 8 November 2014


I've begun a new project- And it's a very special project, because it's the first one I've ever showed off during development!

It's called "Reconfigure", at least at the moment. It's a 2D actiony/platformery being developed in Unity.
Character sprites are being generated from Fuse models, and I think they look pretty good!
Say hi to Sasha, our lovely protagonist!

I've been a huge fan of this technique since Mischief Makers did it- It can look goofy as hell, but it's just so novel to see fluid movement from a 2d sprite.
So cool
The rise of powerful surface-level modelling software like Fuse and Makehuman is possibly the best thing that has ever happened to the majority of small development teams. I love coding, but art? Art is hard. I've wanted to make a game like this from the first time I turned on my N64, and finally it's a possibility for me.

Gameplay mechanics are still being ironed out, but as you might have guessed from Sasha's getup, she has electric powers!

So, watch this space, I'll update with progress whenever I get bored of working on the game. Any particularly interesting programming issues or solutions I run into, I'll share with you all- I code exclusively in C# for my projects, but I could probably provide examples in javascript if you ask nicely.

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